APOCATASTASIS - Astrological Look in the True Original Ground and the Eternal Order of Things


Planet and zodiac signs colors

A comparison of the three original qualities (motion, substance, function) with the RGB and CMYK color models leads to a surprising result. For the first time in the history of astrology, the planetary colors are recorded systematically and not through gut instinct.

RGB - Additive color space
(light mixing)

- all colors together, gives white
- no color (no light), gives black

RGB color space
CMY(K) - Subtractive color space
(color mixing)

- all colors together, gives black
- no color, gives white

CMYK color space

The three complementary color pairs

Complementary colors face each other. The RGB and CMY(K) color models form three dualities:

- Red (RGB) - Cyan (CMY)
- Green (RGB) - Magenta (CMY)
- Blue (RGB) - Yellow (CMY)

The mixture of colors lying to the left and right of a color (X) gives the color X. Such as Magenta+Yellow=Red or Magenta+Cyan=Blue.
The three complementary color pairs

Complementary colors and Original Dualities

These three complementary colors pairs can be transferred to the three Original Dualities and thus to the planets and zodiac signs. The most appropriate are the following assignment:

- Movement: Moving/Red versus Moved/Cyan
- Substance: Soft/Blue versus Hard/Yellow
- Function: Logos/Green versus Eros/Magenta
Complementary colors and Original Dualities

Planet colors in RGB color space

Moving Logos Soft Planets
c Red + Green + = Yellow c
d Red + + Blue = Magenta d
e Red + + = Red e
f Red + Green + Blue = White f
i + Green + Blue = Cyan i
j + + = Black j
k + + Blue = Blue k
l + Green + = Green l

b + 50% + Blue = b
g + 50% + = g
h Red + 50% + = h
a Red + 50% + Blue = a

Planet colors in CMYK color space

Moved Eros Hard Planets
c + + Yellow = Yellow c
d + Magenta + = Magenta d
e + Magenta + Yellow = Red e
f + + = White f
i Cyan + + = Cyan i
j Cyan + Magenta + Yellow = Black j
k Cyan + Magenta + = Blue k
l Cyan + + Yellow = Green l

b Cyan + 50% + = b
g Cyan + 50% + Yellow = g
h + 50% + Yellow = h
a + 50% + = a