APOCATASTASIS - Astrological Look in the True Original Ground and the Eternal Order of Things


The Hard
The physical universe

As far as we know today, the diameter of the visible universe is around 93 billion light years. The latest research suggests that the invisible part is at least 250, if not several thousand, times as large. The whole thing filled with unimaginable energy and quadrillion galaxies.

The Hard is the world in which we are placed; the world of a constant struggle for survival; the world of power and retaliation; the physical reality; the world of becoming and dissolving. And it is the world of appearances and deception. It is the illusionary image of seeming reality. For the future (Uranus) exists only in our imagination and the past (Saturn) only in our memory.

For those people who tend to turn to the Hard there is no god. Life does not follow any specific purpose, rather the principle of chance. It is a question of “devouring and being devoured” and at the end there is only left the grave and eternal nothingness. For them the glass is “half empty”, and the human being is bad by nature, and the consciousness a mere Function of the brain. They admire the warriors and heroes and they ridicule the saints and persecute the wise and the good. The World of the Soft is for them “opium for the people”, an imaginary figment and a place of escapism and self-deception. The focus is not on the soul and spirit, but on the material and useful. Power, gain and control are important, not giving, fulfillment and trust.

The Hard is severe, obstinate, judgmental, explosive, inconsiderate, egoistic, wooden, unyielding, gruff, steely, inhibited, despondent, serious, closed, pronouncing, intolerant, tense, hard, crude, narrow-minded, unscrupulous, prosaic, suspicious, realistic, self-serving, cold, unforgiving, methodical, “buttoned up”, selfish, uncommunicative, cagey, criticising, edgy, grumbling, straight-edged, stiff, sceptical, doubting, vengeful, strategic, disciplined, pounding, conscientious, worrying, mistrustful, critical, atheistic, raw, nervous. As cold and dryness, it is inimical to life.

The Hard matches our cultural idea of the masculine – “typical men”. This stereotype is usually bears the qualities of Mars/Pluto (strong, hard, courageous, dominant, instinctive etc.) and Mercury/Iustitia (intelligent, clever, realistic, objective etc.).

The Hard signs

The Hard signs
Symbol of the Hard

Symbol of the Hard